Meet the vast consortium of partners who are driving the success of SheCOACH.

From educational institutions to sports organizations, civil society organizations and beyond, learn about the collaborative efforts fueling our mission.
Explore opportunities for partnership and join us in fostering a more inclusive and equitable landscape in sports coaching.


CBF - Cyprus Basketball Federation



GBCA – Greek Basketball Coaches Association


L’Orma Sport-Club


UMU – University of Murcia

FBCLM – Federación de Baloncesto de Castilla La Mancha

Austria ENSE – The European Network of Sport Education


HIP – Hub for Innovation Policy


Sport Coaching Europe

Our team consists of 9 partners from 7 countries: Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Spain, Austria, Malta and Romania.

CBF - Cyprus Basketball Federation

Cyprus Basketball Federation is the governing body for the sport of basketball in Cyprus, and a full member of FIBA since 1974. CBF has 33 club members, 220 teams participating in various championships, and 4,000 registered athletes. CBF, a non-profit corporate body, represents the sport nationally and internationally. Its primary role is to develop basketball, 3×3 basketball, e-basketball, and wheelchair basketball for men and women at the national level. Additionally, CBF ensures that national teams, both youth and senior, represent the country at international official competitions.


Symplexis is a Greek non-for-profit organization that works to ensure equal opportunities for all through actions and measures that build skills, empower, and promote active engagement and participation. It focuses on the most vulnerable categories of the population, particularly those with fewer opportunities. Symplexis, among others, is actively involved in tackling stereotypes fueling gender-based discrimination, promoting equality between men and women, combating gender-based violence, and supporting victims through training, capacity building, awareness raising, advocacy, and information sharing.

GBCA - Greek Basketball Coaches Association

Greek Basketball Coaches Association is a professional association aiming to ameliorate and develop the profession of basketball coach in Greece. It has offices in Athens, Thessaloniki and Crete (Heraklion). The association counts approximately 4,000 certified coaches as official members, covering coaches of every category in the men’s and women’s leagues. One of its main activities is training and monitoring the development of its members, as well as training new coaches to meet the increasing needs of the sport.

UMU - University of Murcia

The University of Murcia is an all-inclusive state university offering a wide range of degree qualifications in various fields. Its Faculty of Sport Sciences promotes physical activity and sport in society, demonstrating the beneficial effects of regular physical activity on health. The department’s expertise includes research and the development of Erasmus+ Sport projects, focusing on areas such as sport volunteering, digitalization, sport events, social inclusion, and gender equality.

FBCLM - Federación de Baloncesto de Castilla La Mancha

Federación de Baloncesto de Castilla La Mancha is a non-profit sports federation responsible for managing basketball competitions in the Castilla La Mancha region. It oversees competitions involving more than 200 teams and 4,000 licensed athletes. The federation provides training courses for coaches of all levels and works to promote the role of women in regional basketball through initiatives like the Women 21 program and the Mujer 21 Commission.

L’Orma Sport-Club

L’Orma Sport-Club is a non-profit educational association offering sports and expressive training experiences based on non-formal education. Its goal is to stimulate personal and professional growth while promoting social inclusion and inclusive sports activities. Affiliated with UISP (Italian Union of Sport For All), it focuses on empowering individuals of all ages.

ENSE - The European Network of Sport Education

The European Network of Sport Education has been active in sport education in Europe since 1989. It creates learning opportunities for individuals leading, developing, and supporting sport activities by working on pan-European projects, creating educational materials, connecting organizations, and advocating for effective policies at the EU level.

HIP - Hub for Innovation Policy

HIP is a start-up enterprise specializing in designing and developing services for innovation, research, and development. Its expertise includes digital services and technology, vocational training, corporate social responsibility strategies, and services advancement for social actors.

SCE - Sport Coaching Europe

Sport Coaching Europe is a continental body for Europe of the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE). It promotes coaching development across Europe by providing reference points for education, qualification, representation, and employment of coaches. SCE is committed to increasing the number of women in coaching at all levels and collaborates with various international and national sports bodies and organizations.